
21 Shows That Started Out Great, But Became So Unwatchable People Couldn’t Even Finish Them

21 Shows That Lost Steam And Became Unwatchable<meta name="description" content=""Weeds was so much fun until the pattern emerged: Nancy has every opportunity to walk away, doesn’t walk away, gets in trouble, rats everyone out, people die, Nancy f*cks her way back to the top.””><meta property="og:description" content=""Weeds was so much fun until the pattern emerged: Nancy has every opportunity to walk away, doesn’t walk away, gets in trouble, rats everyone out, people die, Nancy f*cks her way back to the top.””><meta name="twitter:description" content=""Weeds was so much fun until the pattern emerged: Nancy has every opportunity to walk away, doesn’t walk away, gets in trouble, rats everyone out, people die, Nancy f*cks her way back to the top.””>

The influx of TV makes it incredibly easy to come across a bad show, and increasingly difficult to commit to a full series Unfortunately, even those that start out great fail to maintain that momentum in their subsequent seasons.

Personally, I never made it past the first season of and will likely never get around to finishing the series as a whole.

While on my daily Reddit scour, I came across a post in the sub by that “What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?”

Naturally, it led to some hot takes but many that I couldn’t really disagree with. I mean, some shows just don’t know when to end, am I right? Below are 21 shows that people just couldn’t finish because they got that bad.


” had an incredible first season. The following seasons have been kind of up and down but nowhere near as good as the first.”


“I’m rewatching right now and I was struggling to get through episode 9 of Season 6. It’s so badm but I was like, ‘it’s okay, it’s almost over. Only like four more episodes left!'”


” was so much fun until the pattern emerged: Nancy has every opportunity to walk away, doesn’t walk away, gets in trouble, rats everyone out, people die, Nancy f*cks her way back to the top.”


” (US) is a show where I’ve honed in on a fantastic stopping point: When Lip gets with Amanda at college and stops before he meets her parents.”


“. I watched it for years and just stopped. I couldn’t continue and never finished.”


. The first season was amazing, and halfway through Season 2, it started to decline. And then it was no longer worth watching, although I kept up with it until Season 5. I feel like the scene where Jaime was getting…um, violated ruined it for me. It was a difficult scene to watch.”


“I loved the first three seasons of You, but Season 4 was brutal! So cringey and there was no chemistry between Joe and Kate. Plus, he was supposedly in love with Marianne but then nothing happened with that storyline?? Season 5 is coming out soon and it’s going to be the last one, so hopefully they bring back the OG writers.”


True Blood — loved the gritty Hillbilly take on vampires at first, but then it became just another boring, cheesy love story with more and more BS.”


“BBC’s . I was obsessed and absolutely HOOKED for the first three seasons. I loved that show. The fandom was a lot of fun and very engaging to me. I was always so excited to see a new episode come out. It was a fun, happy time, and I still have great memories from my friends and the fandom years later.”


The Man In The High Castle.”


” started great. In particular, Season 1 and Season 2 to some extent. I don’t remember which season ended with the shootout in a mall with that monster, but that was so ridiculously over the top and completely unbelievable. What once was special and different than anything else became the most generic Hollywood garbage I have ever seen.”


Once Upon A Time. My mom and I fell behind in the second-to-last season and just never picked it back up. It got so boring and frustrating.”


“When was announced, my friends and I were already reading the comics. The whole first season of the show is maybe half of the first comic. The show moves so painfully slow that if you’ve read the source material, the show is unwatchable. I wanted to like it, but it’s just so goddamn boring.”


“I can’t get over how truly beautiful started. And now it’s just a silly trash soap opera. For me, the plane crash ruined it. I tried watching it a little bit longer, and then I was really done after April and Jackson split. It’s just stupid that nobody can have a happy relationship on that show without death or cheating.”


“. I couldn’t finish the most recent season.”


“Charmed. I hung around for a couple of seasons after they killed Prue but that, combined with the original creator leaving, meant it went downhill fast. I think I made it to Season 6 before throwing in the towel.”


“I felt like the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel evolved into constant screaming (I didn’t watch the most current season).”


The Following.”


“. By the last season, there was something about an umbrella and I just didn’t care anymore.

Which shows did you start but couldn’t finish? Share them in the comments!



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