
How Many Grams Of Melatonin Is Safe To Take For Better Sleep (And The Best Time To Take It)

Trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. These days you have plenty of options to help you sleep, from herbs like valerian to prescription drugs like Ambien. Even though melatonin isn’t a sedative, it helps your body get back in tune with your natural sleep/wake cycle. A 2022 study in JAMA found that melatonin supplementation has increased five-fold in the past two decades. And in a survey published in 2022, Health Digest readers said they preferred melatonin over Benadryl to help them sleep.

You’ll see varying doses of melatonin in supplements, ranging from a 1-milligram gummy to a 10-milligram tablet. Which dose is best for you? The Sleep Foundation suggests starting with a low dose, such as 1 milligram (or lower if you have it), at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

If the lower dose of melatonin doesn’t give you better sleep after a week, increase the dosage by 1 milligram until you find the right dose for you. You don’t want to take more than 10 milligrams of melatonin, though, because you could increase the risk of side effects.

What can happen if you take too much melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that your body makes to align your circadian rhythm. Your pineal gland secretes melatonin when your eyes sense daylight fading and continues to release melatonin through the night. Melatonin levels begin to decline halfway through sleep so you can wake up rested in the morning.

If you take too much melatonin, you could disrupt your circadian rhythms. Side effects from taking too much melatonin include headaches, nausea, drowsiness, or dizziness the next day. You might also experience irritability, anxiety, or depression as a side effect of taking melatonin. Unlike a sedative overdose, an overdose of melatonin isn’t likely to be life-threatening.

However, parents should talk to their pediatrician before giving melatonin supplements to their children. Melatonin supplements aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and some melatonin supplements might have CBD or higher doses of melatonin than what’s stated on the label. You’ll also want to keep your melatonin gummies away from your children. According to a 2022 study in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the number of calls to Poison Control Centers for children taking melatonin has increased five-fold in 10 years.

How to make melatonin work better for you

Once you take your melatonin, avoid any arousing activities such as scrolling through social media or watching an action movie. You want to give your body and mind some time to relax just before going to bed. Besides, your eyes detecting the light from your digital devices counteracts melatonin’s ability to do its job. If you wake up in the middle of the night, it’s best not to take melatonin again. It takes about five hours for melatonin to clear your system, so taking it too late runs the risk of side effects when you wake up.

If you’re using melatonin as a sleep aid, avoid alcohol. Alcohol wrecks your sleep quality and circadian rhythms. The National Health Service says taking melatonin while drinking alcohol can make it more difficult to breathe while you sleep and make it that much harder for you to wake up. Obviously you also want to avoid having any caffeine if you’re taking melatonin because caffeine will keep you awake.

You’ll also want to check your medications to see if they interact with melatonin or increase side effects. If you’re on brexanolone treatments for postpartum depression, melatonin could cause excessive sedation during your infusion. Taking melatonin with diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can make you feel more drowsy or confused. Using cannabis or CBD while taking melatonin increases your risk of side effects, particularly in older adults.



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