
Tina Knowles Says Beyoncé Has “Decided Not To Continue” Acting In Movies

Beyonce Decides Not To Continue With Movies

Think about the last time you saw in a movie. I’m not talking about voice work like The Lion King or Epic. I’m not asking about concert films, either. I mean, the very last time you saw Beyoncé herself playing a human character on the silver screen.

Beyoncé was deep in her movie bag in the 2000s, playing everything from an aspiring actor in Carmen: A Hip Hopera, to a “church girl” in The Fighting Temptations and the foxiest of women in Austin Powers in Goldmember.

She displayed range in the award-winning film Dreamgirls and upped the ante even more in 2008’s Cadillac Records and ’09’s Obsessed.

And then that was kind of just…it — at least, as far as onscreen appearances go. And, according to Tina Knowles, that might be for a reason.

In fact, in a recent Instagram , Tina wrote Beyoncé “decided not to continue” acting in movies. She made the revelation while reflecting on Bey’s turn as Etta James in Cadillac Records.

Sharing a clip of Beyoncé Etta’s “I’d Rather Go Blind,” Tina wrote, “Just came across this in my feed . I Listened to it several times . This is still one of my favorite movies and it makes me miss the fact that my child decided not to continue with movies.”

“She killed it in this movie.❤️,” Tina continued, adding that Beyoncé also “unselfishly her salary to the Phoenix house❤️,” a group of drug rehabilitation centers. Beyoncé notably spent time there while preparing to play Etta, who had drug addiction during her career.

“Wow. This is such a subtle way of telling us we’re never gonna see her on our big screens again 😭,” one person wrote in the comments.

“Please tell her get back on set,” another begged. “We need that EGOT!”

“I hope one day she will say 🖕 it and come back swinging,” said another.

Seriously what they said!!

Would you like to see Beyoncé in another film? Tell me in the comments below.



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